If you have other drivers parking near your covered car you may also consider....

Coverzone's Unique Side Protection System.

If you have ever had a nice shiny car in near perfect condition and worried that someone is going to park next to you and jam their car door into your car's bodywork then this is for you!
Coverzone have now developed a side protection buffer system that they can install in your new cover prior to despatch. This clever option permanently fixes a strip of high impact buffer pads along the side of the car in the door and side panel area where they are most vulnerable to door dings and scuffs.

The buffer pads are permanently fitted to the cover with double stitching and whilst they do not absolutely guarantee that your car will remain in pristine condition, they will provide much more protection in all those visible areas that are both costly and difficult to repair.
Once we receive the order for your new cover with side protection system we will take a stock cover and our skilled machinists will add the option to the inner lining on both sides. The cover will be a little bulkier when folded but the pads cleverly concertina closed when not in use so handling and storage of the cover is still a breeze.

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Wednesday 12 February 2025

Breathable Outdoor Fabrics & Condensation on your Car Body.

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The nights are drawing in & those days of quite warm days but chilly evenings are now upon us. Your car is safely tucked up on the driveway under its waterproof yet breathable fitted cover so all is well….. and then the next day you find moisture under the cover! Oh no, you've been conned. The cover that you bought definitely was advertised as being fully waterproof so must have stopped working. During those heavy summer downpours it was great so what's gone wrong? Did it even rain last night?

11th September 2018

With Autumn arriving, we would like to talk about breathable outdoor fabrics & condensation on your car body.

The nights are drawing in & those days of quite warm days but chilly evenings are now upon us. Your car is safely tucked up on the driveway under its waterproof yet breathable fitted cover so all is well….. and then the next day you find moisture under the cover! Oh no, you've been conned. The cover that you bought definitely was advertised as being fully waterproof so must have stopped working. During those heavy summer downpours it was great so what's gone wrong? Did it even rain last night?

The moisture that is present on the vehicle is almost certainly condensation. We are now having heavy dew forming on almost everything and the atmosphere is water laden. Most technically advanced covers such as Coverzone's Stormforce  or Apollo covers consist of a multi layer construction that are waterproof & breathable. There is a membrane sandwiched in the middle of the cover that is perforated with micropores that are so small that water droplets will not pass through the cover and cleverly any condensation can evaporate away from under the cover.

There are a few weeks in the late autumn and again in the early spring where the moisture content in the atmosphere is extremely water laden & there is a considerable temperature range between night time temperatures & the daytime. The vehicle will get increasingly cold through the night & then the ambient temperature rises quickly in the morning. As the cover is breathable the air hits the cold vehicle body & condenses. This will happen with any breathable car cover. As the atmosphere warms & dries, this condensation will evaporate & escape from under the cover. Any rain or precipitation simply runs off the outside. So, you may always expect your car to be totally dry but the laws of physics dictate otherwise.

You can do a simple test to check the waterproofing of any cover as follows: Position an egg cup or similar small collection bowl under the cover. Make a small divot in the fabric & pour in a couple of tablespoons of water until there is around 1cms of water in the divot. Leave for 4-6 hours. Upon returning, the egg cup should be dry showing that no water has passed through the cover if it is indeed waterproof. If water is found to be present, contact your cover manufacturer for advice. If heavy condensation is found under the cover, remove the cover & thoroughly dry. Re-apply the cover & ensure that the underbody straps are loose allowing the cover to move a little in the breeze. The cover should not be fitted tightly like a second skin as this will reduce airflow over the paintwork & prevent drying of condensation. The period of time when condensation rapidly forms is generally during an anticyclone & will soon pass. Happily most days your vehicle will be dry or may just show some misting on the surface as the cover is removed.

Coverzone manufacture covers in both breathable and non-breathable fabrics. The Monsoon range of outdoor covers are designed for cars that are left outside for long periods over-winter. These heavy duty outdoor covers feature a soft inner lining that is kind to paintwork & a non-breathable heavy PVC shell that has heat sealed double stitching. These covers cleverly mirror the temperature of the car ensuring that all moisture, dew and frost falls on the outer skin keeping your cherished car dry. If you are planning to tuck your car away over winter and don't have the luxury of a garage, a Monsoon cover fitted to a dry, clean car is the next best protection that you can find.

If you have further questions please contact us, call +44 (01903) 764689 or shop online at www.cover-zone.com.

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