If you have other drivers parking near your covered car you may also consider....

Coverzone's Unique Side Protection System.

If you have ever had a nice shiny car in near perfect condition and worried that someone is going to park next to you and jam their car door into your car's bodywork then this is for you!
Coverzone have now developed a side protection buffer system that they can install in your new cover prior to despatch. This clever option permanently fixes a strip of high impact buffer pads along the side of the car in the door and side panel area where they are most vulnerable to door dings and scuffs.

The buffer pads are permanently fitted to the cover with double stitching and whilst they do not absolutely guarantee that your car will remain in pristine condition, they will provide much more protection in all those visible areas that are both costly and difficult to repair.
Once we receive the order for your new cover with side protection system we will take a stock cover and our skilled machinists will add the option to the inner lining on both sides. The cover will be a little bulkier when folded but the pads cleverly concertina closed when not in use so handling and storage of the cover is still a breeze.

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Wednesday 12 February 2025

Car Paint Protection – The little things make the biggest difference.

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If your car paintwork is important to you, discovering a scratch on your car can be unpleasant and upsetting. At best it will be an unsightly blemish, at worst it can expose underlying metal to the elements and result in corrosion.

1st March 2018

If your car paintwork is important to you, discovering a scratch on your car can be unpleasant and upsetting. At best it will be an unsightly blemish, at worst it can expose underlying metal to the elements and result in corrosion. There are countless products for car paint protection but we wanted to share some simple actions that can make a real difference.

As passionate car owners we know that the paintwork on your vehicle is the first point of call for the aesthetics of the car. If the paintwork is flawless and well maintained it dictates the total impression and appearance of the car. Well-maintained bodywork demonstrates the passion and dedication of the owner. For those of us who consider resale values, the paintwork can be a surprisingly large part of a potential buyer’s decision and overall value of the vehicle.

Think about where you are parking.

Avoid parking in crowed areas where possible. A slightly longer walk may be just enough to limit the risk of scratches from adjacent vehicles. Parking on pavements or high pedestrian traffic areas will quickly see an increase in annoying, small blemishes. Where you can, give yourself space, give adjacent cars ample room and take your time finding the right spot.

Give yourself room

A simple over grown shrub can cause untold damage on paint work as it scrapes the length of your car. Consider your car paint protection and avoid situations that are likely to put you in close proximity to other vehicles, road side objects or shrubbery.

Wash and Dry Regularly.

Dirt, dust and grime are highly abrasive and your car’s enemies! Without regular car washing it will imbed itself and encourage nicks and scratches on your paintwork. Hand car washing is always your best option and safer than automatic car washes and jet washes. Whatever your choice, always rinse accumulated dirt first, avoid rubbing with dry cloths or hands at this will encourage abrasion. Always use a chamois leather to remove excess water and take time on the finer details.

It’s a car, not a table!

It can be easy to forget that many scratches and dinks come from day to day life. Avoid sitting on the bonnet or bootlid, deter small children’s desire to climb and don’t place keys, cups, car seats, shopping bags or tools on the bodywork. It takes only a quick lapse in attention to damage or scuff your paint.

Cover it up.

We are a little biased! We would say that getting a bespoke car cover is the best option when considering car paint protection.  We know there are many additional ways to prevent scratches and marring to your car paintwork and body. Combining these measures along with a regular or long-term car cover will help ensure that your paintwork is cared for and protected all year round whatever the weather.

Scratches, dinks, scuffs and bumps happen. Sometimes they are quick to resolve, sometimes they lead on to a larger problem if not quickly rectified. While you can never guarantee a showroom quality finish for the life of the car, it is possible to prevent a lot of issues by taking the necessary action to ensure your car paintwork has the best protection.

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