5th JANUARY 2022
Having a good-looking car is great but keeping it in tip top condition can involve quite a lot of owner love. Today we are focusing on keeping your car dry and preventing water damage on your paint and bodywork.
When you wash and dry your car you will need to do more than a simple rinse with a sponge. There are many reasons why drying your car correctly can be beneficial in the long run. But just how and what is the best way to achieve a clean, dry car without streaks and spots?
Usually people are not too fussy when rinsing the car after a wash as they are keen to complete the task and at this time of year it’s chilly! This leads to water spots and streaks under door mirrors and from door pillars which are really noticeable especially when the sun is shining. These spots are often from shampoo not being cleaned off properly or residual dirt on the paintwork. If left on the paintwork when the car is left to dry by itself, you can end up with round droplet marks that are hard to remove.
How to get rid of water spots
The easy answer to the problem is to prevent the formation of spots by attending to them before the car dries naturally. Natural drying time will depend on the prevailing weather and temperature but the car will become dry much faster on a windy day, so choose your cleaning time and day carefully! You may think it’s not really a big deal but why would you go to all the effort of cleaning your car to then not complete the task? Long term serious damage of the paintwork top cover can occur if waterspots and streaks develop.
The easiest way to remove water spots and streaks is with a clean but wet chamois leather, microfibre cloth or synthetic chamois. Once the car is rinsed, take time to go back over the paintwork with your chosen leather or cloth using a single direction to clear the water droplets. If you drop the cloth, always clean it thoroughly before re-applying to the car. Wring out the water thoroughly after each pass of the cloth. There are many spray waxes available that can be applied to a wet car, so this is the ideal time to apply that all important layer of protection.
Lastly, stand back and admire the results!
Covering up on an icy day
You may think putting a cover on a car will be the best way to protect your car but if your car is wet and it is freezing weather outside in winter this can also cause problems. Many breathable covers can be applied to a wet car and can reduce water spotting as water droplets will be absorbed into the fabric and will evaporate away. Care should be taken not to cover a wet car when there is a chance of freezing occurring in the subsequent few hours as this can, in extreme circumstances, result in the cover freezing to the car.
Car covers are a great solution to prevent paintwork issues especially in the colder, snowy months but we would suggest that it is better to cover a dry, clean car.
Our best selling outdoor covers are called Stormforce. These sturdy, fully waterproof covers are completely breathable yet waterproof and have a 2 year warranty. We have a range of hundreds of different tailored covers to ensure that the cover is easy to fit and doesn’t blow about in the wind as this can cause damage to car and cover. Each cover is supplied with elastic hems, detachable underbody straps and a strong zipped storage bag.
You can order online here or call us on 01903 764689